앨범 정보
- 50 Church Classics Vol. 1 (교회 찬송 성가 클래식 베스트 50)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 01
- Praise to the Lord, The Almighty (다 찬양하여라)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 02
- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (신비롭고 영원한 지혜의 주)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 03
- Beautiful Savior (예수 아름다우신)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 04
- Lift High the Cross (십자가 높이들고)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 05
- It Is Well With My Soul (내 평생에 가는 길)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 06
- Breathe on Me, Breath of God (성령의 은사를)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 07
- All Things Bright and Beautiful (주님 지으신 솜씨)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 08
- Crown Him With Many Crowns (면류관 가지고)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 09
- All People That on Earth Do Dwell
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 10
- Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (주를 찬양하라)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 11
- Be Thou My Vision (내 맘의 주여 소망되소서)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 12
- Children of the Heavenly Father (하늘 아버지)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 13
- My Faith Looks Up to Thee (못 박혀 죽으신)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 14
- Now Thank We All Our God (다 감사 드리세)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 15
- O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded (오 거룩하신 주님)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 16
- Panis Angelicus (생명의 양식)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 17
- For the Beauty of the Earth (아름다운 세상과)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 18
- The Gift of Love (사랑의 선물)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 19
- Rejoice the Lord the King (만유의 주 앞에)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 20
- God Is So Good (좋으신 하나님)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 21
- The Church's One Foundation (교회의 참된 터는)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 22
- Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (주 예수의 부활)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 23
- O Jesus I Have Promised (이 세상 끝날까지)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 24
- Praise Him (찬양하라)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 25
- Nearer My God to Thee (내 주를 가까이 하게 함은)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus