앨범 정보
- 50 Church Classics Vol. 2 (찬송, 성가 클래식 50)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 01
- All Glory, Laud and Honor (왕 되신 우리 주께)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 02
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save (전능하신 아버지, 우리를 구하소서)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 03
- The Old Rugged Cross (갈보리산 위에)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 04
- What Wondrous Love (놀라운 사랑)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 05
- Let All Things Now Living (온 세상 만물아)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 06
- Holy God We Praise Thy Name (주 천주의 권능과)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 07
- He Is Lord (주님은)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 08
- Joyful, Joyful (환희의 송가)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 09
- O Worship the King (영광의 왕께 다 경배하며)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 10
- Come, Ye Thankful People Come (성도여)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 11
- Let Us Break Bread Together (우리 다같이 무릎 꿇고서)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 12
- How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (귀하신 주의 이름은)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 13
- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (되시는 예수)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 14
- Just a Closer Walk (나는 비록 약하나)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 15
- Ride on, Ride on in Majesty (나귀타고 오시는 구주)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 16
- Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus! (한 때 경멸당하셨던 당신 예수여!)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 17
- Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (구주 예수 의지함이)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 18
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus (내게로 와서 쉬어라)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 19
- Lourdes Hymn (Immaculate Mary)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 20
- O Master Let Me Walk With Thee (겸손히 주를 섬길 때)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 21
- I Will Enter His Gates (감사함으로 그 문에 들어가며)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 22
- Blessed Feasts of Blessed Martyrs
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 23
- Thine Is the Glory (주님께 영광)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 24
- Sleepers Wake (깨어라 부르는 소리 있어)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus
- 25
- I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (내 주는 살아 계시고)
- The Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus