앨범 정보
- 김은수 발레클래스음악 제2집 (개정판)
- 김은수
- 01
- Warming-Up (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 02
- Battements Tendus Face To The Bar (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 03
- Plies (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 04
- Battements Tendus Ⅰ (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 05
- Battements Tendus Ⅱ ("Pas De Trois No.3" From Swan Lake)
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- 06
- Battements Tendus Jetes Ⅰ ("Basil" From Don Quixote)
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- 07
- Battements Tendus Jetes Ⅱ (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 08
- Ronds De Jambe A Terre-Port De Bras (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 09
- Battements Fondus-Balance (Waltz Op.39 No.15)
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- 10
- Battements Frappes-Petits Battements (Etude Op.25 No.9)
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- 11
- Ronds De Jambe En L`air (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 12
- Battements Developpes ("The Swan" From The Carnival Of The Animals)
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- 13
- Grands Battements (Vol.2 Barre)
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- 14
- Limbering (Traditional Song)
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- 15
- Adagio Ⅰ (Noctrune Op.9 No.2)
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- 16
- Adagio Ⅱ ("Pas De Trois" From Le Corsaire)
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- 17
- Battements Tendus (Vol.2 Center)
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- 18
- Battements Fondus ("Amore" From Giselle)
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- 19
- Grands Battements (Vol.2 Center)
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- 20
- Waltz Ⅰ (Valsette)
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- 21
- Waltz Ⅱ ("Waltz" From The Circus Girl)
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- 22
- Allegro Ⅰ (The Mill In The Forest)
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- 23
- Allegro Ⅱ (Vol.2 Center)
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- 24
- Allegro Ⅲ (Traditional Song)
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- 25
- Allegro Ⅳ ("Blue Bird Coda" From The Sleeping Beauty)
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- 26
- Allegro Ⅴ (Minuet Woo10 No.2)
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- 27
- Allegro Ⅵ (Vol.2 Center)
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- 28
- Grand Allegro Ⅰ (Vol.2 Center)
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- 29
- Grand Allegro Ⅱ (Vol.2 Center)
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- 30
- Tour En L`air For Boy ("Pas De Trois No.4" From Swan Lake)
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- 31
- Tours Ⅰ ("Grand Pas De Deux Coda" From Don Quixote)
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- 32
- Tours Ⅱ ("Black Swan Coda" From Swan Lake)
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- 33
- Reverence (Traditional Song)
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