앨범 정보
- 01
- Muj cas (prolog) / Time Of Mine (Prologue)
- Daniel Bartak
- 02
- Sanitka 2 - Uvodni titulky / The Ambulance 2 - Opening Credits
- Daniel Bartak
- 03
- Dispecink / The Dispatch
- Daniel Bartak
- 04
- Prevoz pacienta / Patient Transport
- Daniel Bartak
- 05
- Muj cas (tema) / Time of Mine (Theme)
- Daniel Bartak
- 06
- Novy zacatek / A New Beginning
- Daniel Bartak
- 07
- Wir sind Ritter / We Are the Knight's
- Daniel Bartak
- 08
- Through the City's Red Lights
- Daniel Bartak
- 09
- Prilet syna / Son's Arrival
- Daniel Bartak
- 10
- Motiv Jandery / Jandera's
- Daniel Bartak
- 11
- Radostne okamziky / Moments Of Happiness
- Daniel Bartak
- 12
- Nevera / Infidelity
- Daniel Bartak
- 13
- Don't Give Up
- Daniel Bartak
- 14
- Zachranna akce / Rescue Operation
- Daniel Bartak
- 15
- Ztracena laska / Lost Love
- Daniel Bartak
- 16
- Tragedie / Tragedy
- Daniel Bartak
- 17
- Vyjezd / Alert Ride
- Daniel Bartak
- 18
- Umirajici pacient / Dying Patient
- Daniel Bartak
- 19
- Tema lasky / Love Theme
- Daniel Bartak
- 20
- Rozlouceni s Alzbetou / Farewell Elizabeth
- Daniel Bartak
- 21
- Boj o zivot / Fight For Life
- Daniel Bartak
- 22
- Dotek smrti / Touch Of Death
- Daniel Bartak
- 23
- Dobra duse / Good
- Daniel Bartak
- 24
- Beznadej / Hopelessness
- Daniel Bartak
- 25
- Nelibova modlitba / Neliba's Prayer
- Daniel Bartak
- 26
- Skryte utrapy / Hidden Distress
- Daniel Bartak
- 27
- Sanitka v akci / The Ambulance In Action
- Daniel Bartak
- 28
- Umirajici hrdina / Dying Hero
- Daniel Bartak
- 29
- Navrat / Return
- Daniel Bartak
- 30
- Jizda zachranaru / Recuers Ride
- Daniel Bartak
- 31
- Teo / Theo
- Daniel Bartak
- 32
- Kdyz do pekla, tak s kytarou na krku
- Daniel Bartak
- 33
- Black Hole
- Daniel Bartak
- 34
- Urovnani / Making Up
- Daniel Bartak
- 35
- Muj cas / Time of Mine
- Hana Zagorova,Petr Kotvald,Stanislav Hlozek