앨범 정보
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25
Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Marietta Simpson,Florence Quivar,Barbara Bonney
앱에서 듣기
- 01
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - Introduction. As God The Lord Of Israel Liveth
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 02
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - Overture
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
- 03
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - Ia. Help Lord!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 04
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - Ib. The Deep Affords No Water
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Henriette Schellenberg,Marietta Simpson,Richard Clement,Thomas Paul
- 05
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - II. Zion Spreadeth Her Hands For Aid
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Henriette Schellenberg,Marietta Simpson
- 06
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - III. Ye People, Rend Your Hearts
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Jerry Hadley
- 07
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - IV. If With All Your Hearts
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Jerry Hadley
- 08
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - V. Yet Doth The Lord See It Not
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 09
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - VI. Elijah! Get Thee Hence
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Florence Quivar
- 10
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - VIIa. For He Shall Give His Angels
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Henriette Schellenberg,Marietta Simpson,Richard Clement,Thomas Paul,Jerry Hadley,Florence Quivar,Barbara Bonney,Tim Gunther
- 11
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - VIIb. Now Cherith's Brook Is Dried Up
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Florence Quivar
- 12
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - VIII. What Have I To Do With Thee? - Give Me Thy Son!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson,Barbara Bonney
- 13
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - IX. Blessed Are All They That Fear Him
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 14
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - X. As God The Lord Of Sabaoth Liveth
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson,Richard Clement
- 15
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XI. Baal, Answer Us
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 16
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XII. Call Him Louder, For He Is A God!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 17
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XIII. Call Him Louder! He Heareth Not
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 18
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XIV. Lord God Of Abraham, Isaac And Israel
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 19
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XV. Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Henriette Schellenberg,Marietta Simpson,Richard Clement,Thomas Paul
- 20
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XVI. O Thou, Who Makest Thine Angels Spirits
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 21
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XVII. Is Not His Word Like a Fire?
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 22
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XVIII. Woe Unto Them Who Forsake Him!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Florence Quivar
- 23
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XIX. O Man of God, Help Thy People!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson,Reid Bartelme
- 24
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.I - XX. Thanks Be To God!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 25
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXI. Hear Ye, Israel!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Barbara Bonney
- 26
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXII. Be Not Afraid
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 27
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXIII. The Lord Hath Exalted Thee
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson,Marietta Simpson
- 28
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXIV. Woe To Him!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 29
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXV. Man Of God, Now Let My Words Be Precious
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson,Jerry Hadley
- 30
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXVI. It Is Enough, O Lord
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 31
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXVII. See, Now He Sleepeth
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Richard Clement
- 32
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXVIII. Lift Thine Eyes
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Henriette Schellenberg,Marietta Simpson,Barbara Bonney
- 33
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXIX. He, Watching Over Israel
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 34
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXX. Arise, Elijah
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson,Florence Quivar
- 35
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXI. O Rest In The Lord
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Florence Quivar
- 36
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXII. He That Shall Endure To The End
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 37
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXIII. Night Falleth 'Round Me
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson,Henriette Schellenberg
- 38
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXIV. Behold, God The Lord Passed By!
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 39
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXV. Above Him Stood The Seraphim
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Henriette Schellenberg,Marietta Simpson,Florence Quivar,Barbara Bonney
- 40
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXVI. Go, Return Upon Thy Way - I Go On My Way
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 41
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXVII. For The Mountains Shall Depart
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Thomas Hampson
- 42
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXVIII. Thus Did Elijah The Prophet Break Forth
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 43
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XXXIX. Then Shall The Righteous Shine Forth
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Jerry Hadley
- 44
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XL. For God Sent His People The Prophet Elijah
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Barbara Bonney
- 45
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XLIa. Thus Saith The Lord
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
- 46
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XLIb. O Come, Everyone That Thirsteth
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Henriette Schellenberg,Marietta Simpson,Richard Clement,Thomas Paul
- 47
Mendelssohn : Elijah Op.70 MWV A 25 Part.II - XLII. And Then Shall Your Light Break Forth
- Robert Shaw,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus
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