앨범 정보
- 01
- Un Verum ex Corde
- Xianzai
- 02
- Яedùc'tö
- Vutt'un
- 03
- Antimatter
- Cambioharmonia
- 04
- Micro Reduct
- Genari
- 05
- Uneven Parts
- Enigmachina
- 06
- Today I was born Cicada
- Oxytocin
- 07
- Prism of drifting patterns
- skrzt
- 08
- Peace by Peace
- SovverShtayySivva
- 09
- Nothing's Lost
- Amaranth
- 10
- Boundless Imaginations
- immaterial object
- 11
- Split the Atom
- Iktekai
- 12
- Shards of Ether
- Drache