앨범 정보
- The Oscars Winners (Music From The Greatest Hollywood Movies)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 01
- La Guerre Des Etoiles (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 02
- L'exorciste
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 03
- Batman (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 04
- Superman
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 05
- L'empire Contre-Attaque (The Imperial March)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 06
- 2001 L'odyssee De L'espace (Also Sprach Zarathustra)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 07
- Les Dents De La Mer (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 08
- Orange MEcanique
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 09
- Midnight Express
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 10
- Le Troisieme Homme
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 11
- Le Silence Des Agneaux (Final)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 12
- Chariots De Feu
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 13
- Zorba Le Grec
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 14
- Men In Black (Final Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 15
- Lawrence D'arabie (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 16
- 1492 Christophe Colomb (Conquest Of Paradise)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 17
- Rocky
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 18
- Blade Runner (End Tittle Reprise)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 19
- Le Pont De La Riviere Kwai (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 20
- Love Story (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 21
- Bilitis
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 22
- Les Sept Mercenaires (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 23
- Il Etait Une Fois Dans L'ouest
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 24
- Le Bon La Brute Et Le Truand
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 25
- Apocalypse Now (La Chevauchee Des Walkyries)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 26
- Autant En Emporte Le Vent (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 27
- La Liste De Schindler (Theme)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 28
- West Side Story (America)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 29
- Chantons Sous La Pluie (Singin'In The Rain)
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra
- 30
- Blanche Neige Et Les 7 Nains
- Hollywood Pictures Orchestra