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50 Baroque Masterpieces
John Eliot Gardiner
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- 01
Monteverdi: L'Orfeo, SV 318 / Prologo: Toccata
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner
- 02
Monteverdi: L'Orfeo / Act I: "In questo lieto e fortunato giorno" - "Vieni, Imeneo" - "Muse, onor di Parnasso"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Mark Tucker,Nancy Argenta,The Monteverdi Choir
- 03
Monteverdi: L'Orfeo / Act III: "O tu ch'innanzi morte"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,John Tomlinson
- 04
Monteverdi: L'Orfeo / Act III: "Possente spirto"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Anthony Rolfe Johnson
- 05
Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206: II. Dixit Dominus a 6 (Live)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Mark Tucker,The Monteverdi Choir,Ann Monoyios,Marinella Pennicchi,Alastair Miles,Nigel Robson,Bryn Terfel,His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts
- 06
Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206: VIII. Nisi Dominus a 10 (Live)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts
- 07
Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206: IX. Audi coelum a 8 (Live)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Mark Tucker,The Monteverdi Choir,Nigel Robson,His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts,Christopher Wilson,Jakob Lindberg
- 08
Monteverdi: Exultent caeli - Trans. Denis Arnold/Edited for performance John Eliot Gardiner
- John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,John Angelo Messana,Martyn Hill,Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
- 09
Monteverdi: L'incoronazione di Poppea, SV 308 / Act III: "Pur ti miro"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Sylvia McNair,Dana Hanchard
- 10
G. Gabrieli: Hodie Christus natus est - Trans. Denis Arnold/Edited for performance John Eliot Gardiner: O magnum mysterium - Trans. Denis Arnold (1926/86)/Ed.for perf.J.E.Gardiner (1943-)
- John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
- 11
Schütz: Motet: "Auf dem Gebirge hat man ein Geschrei gehöret" (SWV 396)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts,Ashley Stafford,Michael Chance,Valerie Botwright
- 12
Concert: "Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich?" (SWV 415)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts,Michael Chance,Ruth Holton,Carol Hall,Frieder Lang,Lawrence Wallington,Simon Birchall,Alastair Ross
- 13
Schütz: O bone Jesu, fili Mariae (SWV 471)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Ashley Stafford,Ruth Holton,Nicolas Robertson
- 14
Buxtehude: Membra Jesu Nostri, BuxWV 75: 2. Ad genua
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 15
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 / Act 1: Prelude (I)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner
- 16
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 / Act 1: Scene Of The Drunken Poet: "Fill up the Bowl"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Judith Nelson,Elisabeth Priday,David Thomas
- 17
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 / Act 2: Prelude...Come, All Ye Songsters Of The Sky
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Wynford Evans
- 18
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 2: Prelude for the Witches - "Wayward sisters"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Teresa Shaw,Donna Deam,Shauna Beesley
- 19
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: "Thy hand, Belinda...When I am laid in earth"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Carolyn Watkinson
- 20
Vivaldi: Gloria: Gloria in excelsis Deo
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 21
Vivaldi: Gloria, R. 589: Et in terra pax hominibus
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 22
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 마태 수난곡 / 1부: 1. 오라, 딸들아 와서 나를 슬픔에서 구하라
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,The London Oratory Junior Choir
- 23
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 마태 수난곡 / 1부: 3. 예수여 당신은 어떤 죄를 지셨기에
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 24
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 마태 수난곡 / 1부: 8. 피투성이가 되어라
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Ann Monoyios
- 25
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 마태 수난곡 / 1부: 15. 나를 지키소서, 나의 수호자시여
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,The London Oratory Junior Choir
- 26
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 크리스마스 오라토리오 / 1부: 1번 한낮이 환호하네
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 27
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 크리스마스 오라토리오 / 1부: 5번 당신을 어떻게 맞아야 하나이까
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 28
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 크리스마스 오라토리오 / 1부: 8번 위대한 주여 전능하신 왕이여
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Olaf Bar,Crispian Steele-Perkins
- 29
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 1부: 1. 주 우리 지배자시여
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 30
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 요한 수난곡 / 2부: 39. 편히 잠드소서, 거룩한 몸이여
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 31
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 미사 나단조 / 자비송: 영광 높이 계신 주께
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 32
J.S. Bach: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen Cantata, BWV 51: Aria: "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Emma Kirkby
- 33
J.S. Bach: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, Cantata BWV 61: No. 3 "Komm, Jesu, komm zu deiner Kirche"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Anthony Rolfe Johnson
- 34
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 칸타타 '나는 만족하나이다': 1. 아리아
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,Peter Harvey
- 35
J.S. Bach: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, Cantata BWV 106: No. 1 Sonatina
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner
- 36
J.S. Bach: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Cantata BWV 140: I. Chorus. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Anthony Robson,Richard Earle
- 37
J.S. Bach: 바흐: 마음과 입과 행동과 생명으로: 예수는 인류의 소망 기쁨되시니
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Crispian Steele-Perkins
- 38
Handel: SolomonHWV 67 / Act 1: "May no rash intruder"
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 39
Handel: SolomonHWV 67 / Act 3: The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner
- 40
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1: Symphony..."Already see the daughters...Welcome, welcome mighty King!" (Live)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Lynne Dawson
- 41
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1: "What do I hear?... David his ten thousands slew...To him ten thousands!" (Live)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Alastair Miles
- 42
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3: March (Live)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner
- 43
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3: "Gird on thy sword" (Live)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 44
Handel: Hercules, HWV 60 / Act 3: Sinfonia
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner
- 45
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 2, Recit. Comfort Ye, My People (Tenor)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Anthony Rolfe Johnson
- 46
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 4, Chorus. And the Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealed
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 47
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 12, Chorus. For Unto Us a Child Is Born
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
- 48
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 38, Aria. How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them That Preach (Soprano)
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner
- 49
Handel: Dixit Dominus, HWV 232: Die Torrente in via bibet
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir,Angela Kazimierczuk,Katherine Fuge
- 50
헨델: 대관식 찬가 1번 '사제 제독'
- English Baroque Soloists,John Eliot Gardiner,The Monteverdi Choir
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