앨범 정보
- Gregorianische Meditationen
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 01
- Meditation 5
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 02
- Tiefenrausch
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 03
- Meditation 3
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 04
- Meditation 1
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 05
- Die drei Monche
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 06
- Introitus (Gregorianische Version)
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 07
- Meditation 4
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 08
- Meditation 2
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 09
- Introitus (Instrumentale Version)
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra
- 10
- Chor 1
- The Rudiger Bayer Virtual Orchestra