앨범 정보
- 01
- Remember And Do Pray For Me
- Lloyd Chandler
- 02
- The Silk Merchant's Daughter
- Dellie Norton
- 03
- Rambling Hobo
- Gaither Carlton
- 04
- Apple Blossom
- Gaither Carlton
- 05
- Pretty Crowing Chicken
- Frank Proffitt
- 06
- Forkey Deer
- Sidna Myers
- 07
- Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down
- Frank Proffitt
- 08
- Cumberland Gap
- George Landers
- 09
- Rolling Mills Are Burning Down
- George Landers
- 10
- Half Shaved / High Atmosphere
- Wade Ward
- 11
- Shady Grove
- Wade Ward
- 12
- Old Joe Clark
- Wade Ward
- 13
- Nitches Over The Hill
- Wade Ward
- 14
- Twin Sisters
- Sidna Myers
- 15
- Fortune
- Fred Cockerham
- 16
- Little Satchel
- Fred Cockerham
- 17
- Barker's Creek
- George Landers
- 18
- Young Emily
- Dellie Norton
- 19
- Early, Early In The Spring
- Dellie Norton
- 20
- Warfare
- E.C. Ball
- 21
- Pretty Polly
- E.C. Ball
- 22
- The Fox
- E.C. Ball
- 23
- A Conversation With Death
- Lloyd Chandler
- 24
- I Wish My Baby Was Born
- Dillard Chandler
- 25
- The Carolina Lady
- Dillard Chandler
- 26
- The Scotland Man
- George Landers
- 27
- Alabama Gals
- Sidna Myers
- 28
- No Place Like Home
- George Landers
- 29
- June Apple
- Fred Cockerham
- 30
- Frankie Baker
- Fred Cockerham
- 31
- Jennie Jenkins
- E.C. Ball,Orna Ball
- 32
- Little Sadie
- Gaither Carlton
- 33
- Cumberland Gap
- Frank Proffitt