앨범 정보
- 小さな夢 (Little Dream)
- Stream of Praise
- 01
- 小さな夢 (Little Dream)
- Stream of Praise
- 02
- パパとママの愛 (The Love of Dad and Mom)
- Stream of Praise
- 03
- この心?たして (Come and Fill Me Up)
- Stream of Praise
- 04
- あふれる力 (I Am Strengthened)
- Stream of Praise
- 05
- 天が開き (Open Heaven)
- Stream of Praise
- 06
- 信じれば奇跡は起こる (Believe in Love, You Will See Miracles )
- Stream of Praise
- 07
- かえろう (Coming Home)
- Stream of Praise
- 08
- 山を見上げて (Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills)
- Stream of Praise
- 09
- だれかが待っててくれる (Someone Is Waiting)
- Stream of Praise
- 10
- 世界中のだれよりも (The Love of My Life)
- Stream of Praise
- 11
- 十字架の愛 (In the Cross)
- Stream of Praise
- 12
- あなたの愛は (Your Love Is Deep and Wide)
- Stream of Praise
- 13
- 小さな夢 (カラオケ) (Little Dream) (MMA)
- Stream of Praise
- 14
- パパとママの愛 (カラオケ) (The Love of Dad and Mom) (MMA)
- Stream of Praise
- 15
- あふれる力 (カラオケ) (I Am Strengthened) (MMA)
- Stream of Praise
- 16
- 天が開き (カラオケ) (Open Heaven) (MMA)
- Stream of Praise
- 17
- 信じれば奇跡は起こる (カラオケ) (Believe in Love, You Will See Miracles) (MMA)
- Stream of Praise
- 18
- かえろう (カラオケ) (Coming Home) (MMA)
- Stream of Praise
- 19
- 世界中のだれよりも (カラオケ) (The Love of My Life) (MMA)
- Stream of Praise