앨범 정보
- Bird Songs of Eastern Canada
- John Neville
- 01
- Introduction
- John Neville
- 02
- One: Backyard Birds Oiseaux Des Jardins
- John Neville
- 03
- Black-Capped Chickadee Mesange A Tete Noire
- John Neville
- 04
- American Robin Merle D'amerique
- John Neville
- 05
- Blue Jay Geai Bleu
- John Neville
- 06
- American Goldfinch Chardonneret Jaune
- John Neville
- 07
- European Starling Etourneau Sansonnet
- John Neville
- 08
- House Sparrow Moineau Domestique
- John Neville
- 09
- Northern Flicker Pic Flamboyant
- John Neville
- 10
- Cedar Waxwing Jaseur D'amerique
- John Neville
- 11
- Purple Finch Roselin Pourpre
- John Neville
- 12
- Dark-Eyed Junco Junco Ardoise
- John Neville
- 13
- Mourning Dove Tourterelle Triste
- John Neville
- 14
- Two: Boreal Forest Foret Boreale
- John Neville
- 15
- Lincoln's Sparrow Bruant De Lincoln
- John Neville
- 16
- White-Throated Sparrow Bruant A Blanche Gorge
- John Neville
- 17
- Red-Breasted Nuthatch Sittelle A Poitrine Rousse
- John Neville
- 18
- Chipping Sparrow Bruant Familier
- John Neville
- 19
- Winter Wren Troglodyte Mignon
- John Neville
- 20
- Ruffed Grouse Gelinotte Huppee
- John Neville
- 21
- White-Winged Crossbill Bec-Croise Bifascie
- John Neville
- 22
- Boreal Chickadee Mesange A Tete Brune
- John Neville
- 23
- Great Horned Owl Grand-Duc D'amerique
- John Neville
- 24
- Northern Saw-Whet Owl Petite Nyctale
- John Neville
- 25
- Boreal Owl Nyctale De Tengmalm
- John Neville
- 26
- Barred Owl Chouette Rayee
- John Neville
- 27
- Downy Woodpecker Pic Mineur
- John Neville
- 28
- Hairy Woodpecker Pic Chevelu
- John Neville
- 29
- Black-Backed Woodpecker Pic A Dos Noir
- John Neville
- 30
- Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker Pic Macule
- John Neville
- 31
- Yellow-Rumped Warbler Paruline A Croupion Jaune
- John Neville
- 32
- Ovenbird Paruline Couronnee
- John Neville
- 33
- Black-and-White Warbler Paruline Noir Et Blanc
- John Neville
- 34
- Mourning Warbler Paruline Triste
- John Neville
- 35
- American Redstart Paruline Flamboyante
- John Neville
- 36
- Magnolia Warbler Paruline A Tete Cendree
- John Neville
- 37
- Tennessee Warbler Paruline Obscure
- John Neville
- 38
- Black-Throated Green Warbler Paruline A Gorge Noire
- John Neville
- 39
- Black-Throated Blue Warbler Paruline Bleue
- John Neville
- 40
- Blackburnian Warbler Paruline A Gorge Orangee
- John Neville
- 41
- Bay-Breasted Warbler Paruline A Poitrine Baie
- John Neville
- 42
- Pine Warbler Paruline Des Pins
- John Neville
- 43
- Red-Eyed Vireo Vireo Aux Yeux Rouges
- John Neville
- 44
- Philadelphia Vireo (Vireo De Philadelphie)
- John Neville
- 45
- American Crow Corneille D'amerique
- John Neville
- 46
- Common Raven Grand Corbeau
- John Neville
- 47
- Merlin Faucon Emerillon
- John Neville
- 48
- Red-Tailed Hawk Buse a Queue Rousse
- John Neville
- 49
- Veery Grive Fauve
- John Neville
- 50
- Gray-Cheeked Thrush Grive A Joues Grises
- John Neville
- 51
- Hermit Thrush Grive Solitaire
- John Neville
- 52
- Swainson's Thrush Grive A Dos Olive
- John Neville
- 53
- Bicknell's Thrush Grive De Bicknell
- John Neville
- 54
- Olive-Sided Flycatcher Moucherolle A Cotes Olive
- John Neville
- 55
- Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher Moucherolle A Ventre Jaune
- John Neville
- 56
- Eastern Phoebe Moucherolle Phebi
- John Neville
- 57
- Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Roitelet A Couronne Rubis
- John Neville
- 58
- Golden-Crowned Kinglet Roitelet A Couronne Doree
- John Neville
- 59
- Brown Creeper Grimpereau Brun
- John Neville
- 60
- American Red Squirrel Ecureuil Roux D'amerique
- John Neville
- 61
- Three:Deciduous or Mixed Acadian Forest Foret Acadienne
- John Neville
- 62
- Northern Parula Paruline A Collier
- John Neville
- 63
- Chestnut-Sided Warbler Paruline A Flancs Marron
- John Neville
- 64
- Cape May Warbler Paruline Tigree
- John Neville
- 65
- Canada Warbler Paruline Du Canada
- John Neville
- 66
- Indigo Bunting Passerin Indigo
- John Neville
- 67
- White-Breasted Nuthatch Sittelle A Poitrine Blanche
- John Neville
- 68
- Northern Mockingbird Moqueur Polyglotte
- John Neville
- 69
- Great Crested Flycatcher Tyran Huppe
- John Neville
- 70
- Least Flycatcher Moucherolle Tchebec
- John Neville
- 71
- Eastern Kingbird Tyran Tritri
- John Neville
- 72
- Eastern Wood-Pewee Pioui De L'est
- John Neville
- 73
- House Wren Troglodyte Familier
- John Neville
- 74
- Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Cardinal A Poitrine Rose
- John Neville
- 75
- Eastern Towhee Tohi A Flancs Roux
- John Neville
- 76
- Eurasian Collared-Dove Tourterelle Turque
- John Neville
- 77
- Four: Grasslands and Barrens
- John Neville
- 78
- Savannah Sparrow Bruant Des Pres
- John Neville
- 79
- Bobolink Goglu Des Pres
- John Neville
- 80
- Ring-Necked Pheasant Faisan De Colchide
- John Neville
- 81
- Fox Sparrow Bruant Fauve
- John Neville
- 82
- Horned Lark Alouette Hausse-Col
- John Neville
- 83
- American Pipit Pipit D'amerique
- John Neville
- 84
- Northern Wheatear Traquet Motteux
- John Neville
- 85
- Palm Warbler Paruline A Couronne Rousse
- John Neville
- 86
- Blackpoll Warbler Paruline Rayee
- John Neville
- 87
- Rock Ptarmigan Lagopede Alpin
- John Neville
- 88
- Willow Ptarmigan Lagopede Des Saules
- John Neville
- 89
- Northern Harrier Busard Saint-Martin
- John Neville
- 90
- Short-Eared Owl Hibou Des Marais
- John Neville
- 91
- Five: Fresh Water Marshes and Riparian Wetlands
- John Neville
- 92
- American Bittern Butor D'amerique
- John Neville
- 93
- Sandhill Crane Grue Du Canada
- John Neville
- 94
- Pied-Billed Grebe Grebe A Bec Bigarre
- John Neville
- 95
- Red-Winged Blackbird Carouge A Epaulettes
- John Neville
- 96
- Common Grackle Quiscale Bronze
- John Neville
- 97
- Wilson's Snipe Becassine De Wilson
- John Neville
- 98
- Northern Waterthrush Paruline Des Ruisseaux
- John Neville
- 99
- Wilson's Warbler Paruline A Calotte Noire
- John Neville
- 100
- Common Yellowthroat Paruline Masquee
- John Neville
- 101
- Yellow Warbler Paruline Jaune
- John Neville
- 102
- Swamp Sparrow Bruant Des Marais
- John Neville
- 103
- Song Sparrow Bruant Chanteur
- John Neville
- 104
- Alder Flycatcher Moucherolle Des Aulnes
- John Neville
- 105
- Tree Swallow Hirondelle Bicolore
- John Neville
- 106
- Virginia Rail Rale De Virginie
- John Neville
- 107
- Yellow Rail Rale Jaune
- John Neville
- 108
- Black Tern Guifette Noire
- John Neville
- 109
- Marsh Wren Troglodyte Des Marais
- John Neville
- 110
- Gray Catbird Moqueur Chat
- John Neville
- 111
- Hooded Merganser Harle Couronne
- John Neville
- 112
- Black-Billed Cuckoo Coulicou A Bec Noir
- John Neville
- 113
- Northern Spring Peeper Rainette Crucifere
- John Neville
- 114
- Bullfrog Ouaouaron
- John Neville
- 115
- Green Frog Grenouille Verte
- John Neville
- 116
- Tetraploid Gray Treefrog Rainette Versicolore
- John Neville
- 117
- American Toad Crapaud D'amerique
- John Neville
- 118
- Six: Lakes and Rivers Lacs Et Rivieres
- John Neville
- 119
- Red-Necked Grebe Grebe Jougris
- John Neville
- 120
- Mallard Canard Colvert
- John Neville
- 121
- American Black Duck Canard Noir
- John Neville
- 122
- Common Merganser Grand Harle
- John Neville
- 123
- Osprey Balbuzard Pecheur
- John Neville
- 124
- Bald Eagle Pygargue A Tete Blanche
- John Neville
- 125
- Belted Kingfisher Martin-Pecheur D'amerique
- John Neville
- 126
- Snow Goose Oie Des Neiges
- John Neville
- 127
- Canada Goose Bernache Du Canada
- John Neville
- 128
- Common Loon Plongeon Huard
- John Neville
- 129
- Spotted Sandpiper Chevalier Grivele
- John Neville
- 130
- Green Heron Heron Vert
- John Neville
- 131
- Seven: Saltwater Marsh Marais Sales
- John Neville
- 132
- Killdeer Pluvier Kildir
- John Neville
- 133
- Nelson's Sharp-Tailed Sparrow Bruant De Nelson
- John Neville
- 134
- Lesser Scaup Petit Fuligule
- John Neville
- 135
- American Wigeon Canard D'amerique
- John Neville
- 136
- Eurasian Wigeon Canard Siffleur
- John Neville
- 137
- Red-Breasted Merganser Harle Huppe
- John Neville
- 138
- Willet Chevalier Semipalme
- John Neville
- 139
- Great Blue Heron Grand Heron
- John Neville
- 140
- Eight: Estuaries, Sandspits, Beaches & Barachois Estuaires
- John Neville
- 141
- Long-Tailed Duck Harelde Kakawi
- John Neville
- 142
- Common Eider Eider A Duvet
- John Neville
- 143
- Great Black-Backed Gull Goeland Marin
- John Neville
- 144
- Ring-Billed Gull Goeland A Bec Cercle
- John Neville
- 145
- Bonaparte's Gull Mouette De Bonaparte
- John Neville
- 146
- Black-Headed Gull Mouette Rieuse
- John Neville
- 147
- Common Tern Sterne Pierregarin
- John Neville
- 148
- Greater Yellowlegs Grand Chevalier
- John Neville
- 149
- . Semipalmated Plover Pluvier Semipalme
- John Neville
- 150
- Black-Bellied Plover Pluvier Argente
- John Neville
- 151
- Piping Plover Pluvier Siffleur
- John Neville
- 152
- Purple Sandpiper Becasseau Violet
- John Neville
- 153
- Nine: Cliff Colonies Colonies D'oiseaux De Mer
- John Neville
- 154
- Northern Gannet Fou De Bassan
- John Neville
- 155
- Herring Gull Goeland Argente
- John Neville
- 156
- Black-Legged Kittiwake Mouette Tridactyle
- John Neville
- 157
- Common Murre Guillemot Marmette
- John Neville
- 158
- Thick-Billed Murre Guillemot De Brunnich
- John Neville
- 159
- Razorbill Petit Pingouin
- John Neville
- 160
- Black Guillemot Guillemot A Miroir
- John Neville
- 161
- Northern Fulmar Fulmar Boreal
- John Neville
- 162
- Atlantic Puffin Macareux Moine
- John Neville
- 163
- Double-Crested Cormorant Cormoran A Aigrettes
- John Neville
- 164
- Cliff Swallow Hirondelle A Front Blanc
- John Neville
- 165
- Bank Swallow Hirondelle De Rivage
- John Neville
- 166
- Broad-Winged Hawk Petite Buse
- John Neville
- 167
- Peregrine Falcon Faucon Pelerin
- John Neville
- 168
- Gyrfalcon Faucon Gerfaut
- John Neville
- 169
- Ten: Marine Birds Oiseaux De Mer
- John Neville
- 170
- Brant Bernache Cravant
- John Neville
- 171
- Greater Shearwater Puffin Majeur
- John Neville
- 172
- Leach's Storm-Petrel Oceanite Cul-Blanc
- John Neville
- 173
- Dovekie Mergule Nain
- John Neville
- 174
- Au Revoir
- John Neville