앨범 정보
- A Baroque Messiah
- Arcady
- 01
- Sinfonia
- Arcady
- 02
- Every Valley Shall Be Exalted (tenor)
- Arcady
- 03
- And The Glory (chorus)
- Arcady
- 04
- Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive (alto); O Thou That Tellest (chorus)
- Arcady
- 05
- For Unto Us A Child Is Born (chorus)
- Arcady
- 06
- There Were Shephers (soprano); Glory To God (chorus)
- Arcady
- 07
- Then Shall The Eyes (alto); He Shall Feed His Flock (alto & Soprano)
- Arcady
- 08
- His Yoke Is Easy (chorus)
- Arcady
- 09
- Sure He Hath Borne Our Griefs; And With His Stripes; All We Like Sheep (chorus)
- Arcady
- 10
- All They That See Him (tenor); He Trusted In God (chorus)
- Arcady
- 11
- Lift Up Your Heads (chorus)
- Arcady
- 12
- Unto Which Of The Angels (tenor); Let All The Angels (chorus)
- Arcady
- 13
- The Lord Gave The Word (chorus)
- Arcady
- 14
- Why Do The Nations (bass)
- Arcady
- 15
- Let Us Break Their Bonds (chorus)
- Arcady
- 16
- He That Dwelleth In Heaven (tenor); Thou Shalt Break Them (tenor)
- Arcady
- 17
- Hallelujah! (chorus)
- Arcady
- 18
- If God Be For Us (soprano)
- Arcady
- 19
- Worthy Is The Lamb - Amen (chorus)
- Arcady