앨범 정보
- Jewish Mike Tabor: Jewish Soul (Lively Jewish Music At Its Best)
- Mike Tabor
- 01
- Anonymous: The Bandits' Nigun
- Mike Tabor
- 02
- Anonymous: Inner Thoughts
- Mike Tabor
- 03
- Anonymous: Nigun Of The Ba'Al Shem Tov
- Mike Tabor
- 04
- Anonymous: V'Somachto
- Mike Tabor
- 05
- Anonymous: U'Zu Azoh (The Nigun Of Hope)
- Mike Tabor
- 06
- Anonymous: The Sabbath - L'Cho Dodi (Come My Beloved …)
- Mike Tabor
- 07
- Traditional: Wedding Processional
- Mike Tabor
- 08
- Anonymous: The Sabbath - M'Ain Olam Habo (A Glimpse Of Heaven)
- Mike Tabor
- 09
- Hasidim: A Varbrengen Nigun (Song For A Gathering)
- Mike Tabor
- 10
- Nachman: Azamair B'Shvochim (I Shall Acclaim)
- Mike Tabor
- 11
- Anonymous: Yom-Bom-Bom
- Mike Tabor
- 12
- Anonymous: Farewell To The Sabbath Nigun
- Pablo Carcamo
- 13
- Anonymous: The Donkey Nigun
- Pablo Carcamo
- 14
- Anonymous: Rachmono D'Onai (O Merciful One, Answer Us)
- Mike Tabor
- 15
- Hasidim: Omar Hashem L'Yaakov (The Almighty Said To Jacob)
- Mike Tabor
- 16
- Anonymous: Vos Darf Mir Sorgen? - Vos Darf Mir Sorgen (Why Worry)
- Pablo Carcamo
- 17
- Anonymous: T'Chias Ha'Maisim (The Awakening Of The Dead)
- Mike Tabor
- 18
- Traditional: Chassidic Dance (Bonus Track)
- The Burning Bush
- 19
- Traditional: Baym Rebins Sude (At The Rabbi'S Table) (Bonus Track)
- The Burning Bush
- 20
- Traditional: Melody From A Burning Bush (Hassidic Melody) (Bonus Track)
- The Burning Bush