앨범 정보
- Immortal Hymns - 34 Favourites
- The Jubilate Singers
- 01
- O God Our Help In Ages Past/Lead On, O King Eternal
- The Jubilate Singers
- 02
- A Mighty Fortress For God
- The Jubilate Singers
- 03
- Where Cross The Crowded Ways Of Life/Love Divine, All Loves Excelling/Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
- The Jubilate Singers
- 04
- Lily Of The Valley/The Church In The Wild Wood
- The Jubilate Singers
- 05
- Are Ye Able Said The Master/All The Way My Saviour Leads Me
- The Jubilate Singers
- 06
- Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart/When Morning Gilds The Skies/Sun Of My Soul
- The Jubilate Singers
- 07
- Near The Cross
- The Jubilate Singers
- 08
- Amazing Grace
- The Jubilate Singers
- 09
- Safely Through Another Week/Higher Ground
- The Jubilate Singers
- 10
- Open My Eyes/Pass Me Not
- The Jubilate Singers
- 11
- Jesus Calls Us/Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
- The Jubilate Singers
- 12
- Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
- The Jubilate Singers
- 13
- Showers Of Blessing/Shall We Gather At The River
- The Jubilate Singers
- 14
- Lead, Kindly Light/God Be With You Till We Meet Again
- The Jubilate Singers
- 15
- Rock Of Ages
- The Jubilate Singers
- 16
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- The Jubilate Singers
- 17
- I Would Be True
- The Jubilate Singers
- 18
- O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice/On Jordan's Stormy Banks
- The Jubilate Singers
- 19
- Now The Day Is Over
- The Jubilate Singers
- 20
- Revive Us Again/Send The Light
- The Jubilate Singers