앨범 정보
- 01
- Kolybelnaia
- Anna Guzik & M.I. Iakubovich
- 02
- Pastekh Shpil a Volekh
- Zinovii Shulman & S. Kaletskii
- 03
- Dorozhnaia
- Orchestra Of The Moscow State Yiddish Theatre
- 04
- Teschenka
- Irma Launzem & B.N. Florov
- 05
- Di Bobe Hot Zikh Dermont
- Misha Aleksandrovich & His Orchestra
- 06
- Freylekhs
- State Ensemble of Jewish Folk Musicians of the Ukrainian SSR
- 07
- Dem Fartekh Farlorn
- Sara Fibikh & E.A. Belenkaia
- 08
- Freylekhs
- Jewish Vocal Ensemble of the Belarusian SSR
- 09
- Dobranotsch & Freylekhs
- State Ensemble for Jewish Folk Music and Song of the Ukrainian SSR
- 10
- Az Du Bist Do, Iz Frillig Do
- Marina Gordon & R.E. Branovskaia
- 11
- A Nign on Verter
- Mikhail Epelbaum & Orchestra of the Moscow State Philharmonic
- 12
- Nokhemke
- Sidi Tal & D.M. Lerner
- 13
- Svadebnaia
- Jewish Vocal Ensemble Evokans
- 14
- Dray Tekhter
- Klara Vaga & S. Muradov
- 15
- Gitara
- Tatiana Vayntraub & State Ensemble of Jewish Folk Musicians of the Ukrainian SSR
- 16
- Varnitshkes
- Zinovii Shulman & A.S. Zhak
- 17
- Evr. Kolybelnaia
- S. Iu. Druker,Artist of the Belarusian Gotob & Choir of the Belarusian SSR
- 18
- Proleterka, Sestra Moia
- Saul Liubimov & A.S. Zhak
- 19
- Viglid
- D. Ia. Pantofel-Nechetskaia & A.D. Makarov
- 20
- Ayn Hoykhn Barg
- S. Khromchenko,M.I. Fikhtengolts & A.L. Zybtsev
- 21
- A Gas Nign
- State Ensemble of Jewish Folk Musicians of the Ukrainian SSR
- 22
- Nit Shimele Nign on Verter
- Solomon Mikhoels & His Orchestra
- 23
- Reyzele
- Emil Gorovets & N.G. Valter
- 24
- Yash
- Nechama Lifshitsaite & Ensemble
- 25
- Pesnia Nastupelniia, Krasnoarmeiskaia
- Orchestra of the Moscow State Yiddish Theater
- 26
- Itsikl Hot Khasene Gehat
- Mkihail Epelbaum & Orchestra of the Moscow State Philharmonic