앨범 정보
- Jak je krasna ta ceska zem
- Veselka
- 01
- Vysocina / Highlands
- Veselka
- 02
- Rodny kraj / Native region
- Veselka
- 03
- Jak je krasna ta ceska zem / How beautiful the Czech land
- Veselka
- 04
- Pro vas / For you
- Veselka
- 05
- Vzpominka na maminku / Memories of mother
- Veselka
- 06
- Tenkrat v maji / Then in May
- Veselka
- 07
- Vzpominky / Memories
- Veselka
- 08
- Za kaplickou / Behind the chapel
- Veselka
- 09
- Krasny sen / Beautiful dream
- Veselka
- 10
- Zvoneni lasky / Ringtones of love
- Veselka
- 11
- Krajem sumavy / By the Sumava region
- Veselka
- 12
- Vzpominka na Rohoznou / Remembering Rohozna
- Veselka
- 13
- Pisnicek par / Few songs
- Veselka
- 14
- Polka pro nas / Polka for us
- Veselka
- 15
- Divej se srddicko / Watch sweetheart
- Veselka
- 16
- Ty jsi mnou / You are me
- Veselka
- 17
- Kdyz se mi styska / When I miss you
- Veselka
- 18
- At stale zni / Whether still sounds
- Veselka
- 19
- Vrasek se nebojim / I'm not afraid of wrinkles
- Veselka
- 20
- Pozdrav po hvezdach / Greeting the stars
- Veselka
- 21
- Kdyz odchazi mladi / When youth is leaving
- Veselka
- 22
- Pratele nam zustanou / Friends remain
- Veselka
- 23
- Pratelstvi / Friendship
- Veselka