앨범 정보
- Swedish March Favorites (GöteborgsMusiken)
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 01
- The Colonel
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 02
- I beredskap
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 03
- Bohus bataljon
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 04
- Under blågul fana
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 05
- Finska rytteriets marsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 06
- Pa vakt: På vakt
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 07
- General Cederskiold: General Cederschiöld
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 08
- Sodermanlands regementes marsch: Södermanlands regementes marsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 09
- Hjalmar Brantings sorgmarsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 10
- Marcietta
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 11
- Upplands regementes marsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 12
- Bjorneborgarnas marsch: Björneborgarnas marsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 13
- Overste Sjoqvist: Överste Sjöqvist
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 14
- Svensk militarmarsch: Svensk militärmarsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 15
- Norrlandsfarger: Norrlandsfärger
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 16
- Gardeskamrater
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 17
- Tellusmarsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 18
- Hemvarnets marsch: Hemvärnets marsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 19
- Marcia Carolus Rex
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 20
- Kungssången, "From the depths of Swedish hearts" (Royal Song)
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 21
- Du gamla, du fria (Thou ancient, thou freeborn)
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 22
- Paradmarsch
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 23
- Sibyllafanfar
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 24
- Touche
- Gothenburg Musicians
- 25
- Festfanfar
- Gothenburg Musicians