앨범 정보
Loewe, C: Suhnopfer Des Neuen Bundes (Das), 'Passion Oratorio'
Udo Reinemann
앱에서 듣기
- 01
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 1: Introduction and Quartet [Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 02
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 2: Chorale. Gegrusst sei, Furst des Lebens [Hail, Prince of Life]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 03
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 3: Recitative and Arioso. Da nun Jesus war zu Bethanien [Then Jesus came to Bethany] [Soprano]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 04
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 4: Recitative and Terzetto. Da das Judas sahe [When Judas saw It] [Bass, Tenor, Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 05
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 5: Recitative. Da sprach Jesus: Lasset Maria mit Frieden [Then said Jesus: Let Mary alone] [Soprano]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 06
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 6: Chorale. O du Zuflucht der Elenden [O thou refuge of the needy]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 07
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 7: Larghetto con moto
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 08
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 8: Duet. Wie der Herr es uns geheissen [as the Lord hath bidden us] [Peter, John]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 09
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 9: Lobet ihr Knechte des Herrn [Praise the Lord, ye servants] [Chorus of the Apostles]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 10
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 10: Recitative and Chorus. Und Jesus sprach: Mich hat herzlich verlanget [I have desire to eat This Passover] [Bass, Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 11
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 11: Recitative and Chorale. Da sie aber assen, nahm Jesus das Brot [After they had eaten, Jesus took the bread] [Bass, Tutti]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 12
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. I No. 12: Lobet ihr Knechte des Herrn [Praise the Lord, ye servants] [Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 13
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 13: Chorus and Recitative. Auf, mit Schwertern, Speer und Stangen [Up, with sword, spear and stave] [Chorus, Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 14
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 14: Chorale. Wenn alle untreu werden [When all Are untrue]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 15
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 15: Aria. Heil'ge Nacht, hell von der Liebe Schein [Holy night, bright with the shining of love] [Alto]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 16
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 16: Duet. Da traten herzu zweeen falsche Zeugen [There came two false witnesses] [Soprano, Tenor]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 17
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 17: Recitative. Und der Hohepriester stand auf [and the High Priest arose] [Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 18
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 18: Recitative and Chorus. Ich beschwore dich [I abjure thee by the living God] [Christ, High Priests and Pharisees]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 19
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 19: Aria. Weh' mir, wohin soll ich entfliehn? [Alas, where should I flee?] [Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 20
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 20: Chorale. Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade [Ah, abide among us with thy grace]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 21
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 21: Recitative. Pilatus ging hinein in das Richthaus [Pilate went into the hall of justice] [Christ, Pilate]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 22
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 22: Recitative and Aria. Da aber Pilatus auf dem Richtstuhle sass… [but then Pilate sat down on the judgement seat…] [Soprano]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 23
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 23: Recitative and Chorus. Ihr Kinder Israels, ich finde keine Schuld [Ye children of Israel, I find no fault] [Pilate, Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 24
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 24: Lass ihn kreuzigen [Crucify him] [Chorus] - Recitative. Nun denn, ich bin unschuldig [I am innocent of the blood] [Pilate]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 25
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 25: Sein Blut komme uber uns [His blood be upon us] [Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 26
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 26: Aria. Ach seht, der allen wohlgethan [Ah see, he who has brought good to all] [Alto]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 27
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. II No. 27: Recitative and Chorale. Sehet, ich fuhre ihn heraus zu euch... [See, I bring him out to you...] [Tenor, Tutti]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 28
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 28: O, welch ein Anblick [O what a sight] [Tenor]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 29
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 29: Chorus. Hort den Simon von Kyrene [Hear Simon of Cyrene] [Chorus, Tenor]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 30
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 30: Fliesset, ihr unaufhaltsamen Thranen [Flow, ye ceaseless tears] [Daughters of Sion]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 31
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 31: Recitative. Jesus aber wandte sich um [but Jesus turned and said to them] [Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 32
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 32: Terzetto. Den wir jungst auf Tabors Hohen [the one whom we lately saw on Tabor's height]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 33
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 33: Recitative. Pilatus, du hast auf's Kreuz geschrieben [Pilate, thou hast written on the cross] [Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 34
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 34: Was ich geschrieben habe, das habe ich geschrieben [What I have written, I have written] [Pilate]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 35
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 35: Der du den Tempel Gottes zerbrichst [Thou who destroyest the Temple of God] [Chorus of the People]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 36
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 36: Recitative and Duet. Jesus aber sprach: Vater vergib ihnen [but Jesus said: Father, forgive them] [Christ, Tenor, Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 37
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 37: Chorale. Seht die Mutter bang und klagend [See the mother, sad and mourning]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 38
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 38: Jesus aber spricht zu seiner Mutter [but Jesus said to his mother] [Christ]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 39
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 39: Finsternis bedeckt das Land [Darkness covers the land] [Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 40
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 40: Aria and Chorus. Sein Auge das mich angeblickt [His eyes That regarded me] [Soprano, Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 41
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 41: Recitative. Darnach, als Jesus wusste [Then, when Jesus knew] [Bass] - Chorale. Grosser Friedefurst [Great Prince of peace]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 42
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 42: Recitative. Einen Schwamm mit Essig fullet [One of them filled a sponge with vinegar] [Alto, Bass]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 43
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 43: Des Tempels Vorhang Is zerrissen [the Temple's veil Is rent] [Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 44
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 44: Mein eigen Grab will ich ihm weihen [My own grave will I give him] [Joseph, Nicodemus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 45
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 45: Einst lagst du auch gehullt in weisse Linnen [Once too thou lay wrapped in white linen] [Daughters of Sion]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
- 46
Das Sühnopfer des neuen Bundes (the Expiatory Sacrifice of the New Covenant): Pt. III No. 46: Final. Es wird gesaet verweslich [It was sown perishable, and shall rise imperishable] [Chorus]
- Nathalie Gaudefroy
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