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Maggie of the Mausoleum
마그나폴 (Magna Fall)
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  • 앨범 평점 5/ 2명
  • 발매일 : 2020.07.15
  • 발매사 : 칠리뮤직코리아
  • 기획사 : 칠리뮤직코리아
Magna Fall(마그나폴) [Maggie of the Mausoleum] 


마그나폴의 신곡 [Maggie of the Mausoleum] 은 더운 여름이니 만큼 납량 특집이라고 생각하시면 딱입니다.
인트로에 나오는 뮤트 된 기타 사운드는 해골들끼리 부딪히는 소리, 보컬의 화음은 죽은 자들의 합창, 곡의 전체적인 분위기는 HORROR입니다. 
중간 브리지 부분 슬라이드 기타를 이용한 연주가 양쪽으로 나오는데, 호러 영화를 시청한다는 느낌으로 감상하시면 좋을것 같네요.
호러물을 마그나폴만의 아방가르드 한 스타일로 만들어 보았습니다.
후반부는 곡 중 주인공이 시체들로부터 도망치는 장면을 표현한 것입니다.


옛날 공포영화의 항상 등장하던 서양식 공동묘지에서 벌어지는 올드패션 컨셉의 이야기입니다. 
클래식 록과 가사를 접목한 컨셉의 곡으로 재미있게 들어주셨으면 좋겠어요.

Kevin Heintz :

A man visits a graveyard on a cold and windy night. 
He is there to visit the grave of his dead lover. 
When he pulls into the cemetery gates, he sees a figure standing there--it is his dead lover. 
Her skin is gray and her eyes are rotting and sunken in. 
He turns to stone with fright, dropping the flowers he bought. 
She cries out to the man about how much she loves him, and she asks him to come stay in the grave with her forever. 
He is horribly scarred and and runs away. And as he runs away, she screams "Why are you running away?!"

David Holden :

From the beginning, I'd say the song sounded dirty and bluesy and had an eventual theme of death. 
Reminded me of an old-fashioned funeral march. 
I wanted to follow up on that on drums with a thick upfront snare and harsh sounding cymbals. 
What makes. The song unique is the variation of rhythms that work together throughout the song. 
It really extends the emotion throughout the track. It's finished with a great classic rock buildup and very eerie outro. 
Don't be fooled though with the theme, it's not all death; there's a bunch of humour within the creation.


Produced by Magna Fall
Performed by Magna Fall
Written by Magna Fall
Lyrics by Kevin Heintz

Vocal/Guitar Kevin Heintz
Guitar Do Joongmo
Drums Dave Holden
Bass MET (Lee Younsoo)

Drums recorded by Chris Denny and Brad Wheeler, Union Studios Seoul
Guitars recorded by Do Joongmo, Joongmo's Satanic Shrine
Vocals, Bass recorded by MET, AMer9 Studio Seoul

Mixed and Mastered by MET, AMer9 Studio Seoul
Photography by Park Sanghyuk
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