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  • 앨범 평점 0/ 0명
  • 발매일 : 2021.04.30
  • 발매사 : The Orchard Enterprises
  • 기획사 : Swaravega Records
Being productive in the year 2021, Caste has releasedtwo singles last February and March titled ""Angel Dust""and ""Bermula"". This time, Caste summarizes theconflict between the brain and the heart in a songentitled 'Easily'.
The Jakarta-based band which was formed in 2018explained that the background of this song departsfrom a love story that tends to be unhealthy. Castedepicts the story of love in a relationship from the mostdisadvantaged one’s point of view.
“Many of my friends around me are dating and awarethat the relationship isn’t healthy yet they stillcontinue.” explained Farhan, drummer for Caste.
"But once you intend to get away from thatrelationship, I believe that all the potential in you willdevelop. Been there, done that and now I'm happierthan ever." added Ikalya, the singer and songwriter.
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