앨범 정보

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  • 앨범 평점 4/ 25명
  • 발매일 : 2021.09.30
  • 발매사 : YG PLUS
  • 기획사 : New Wave Records
New Wave 레코즈 소속  래퍼 및 PD 킹싸우스쥐 
시원하게 출사표를 던진다. [보호관찰] 1집 !!!
볼륨은 최대치!!
예아 !! 레츠고!!
Mother xucker
01. intro 시동(prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
02. 신호위반 feat. 권기백(prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G, 권기백
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
03. 불법유턴을해 (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
04.와리가리 feat.B-free (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G, B-free
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
05.폭주 feat. BUSYNESSBOY(prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G, BUSYNESSBOY
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
06. 전부 브레이크 (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
07.인생을똑바로(skit)(prod. king south g) 
Lyrics by King South G, 김동규 
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
08.삼청교육대 (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
09.난 살아있는 김정은 (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
10.나는돈 feat. IAMMONEY (fly money)(co-prod. west) 
Lyrics by King South G, IAMMONEY
Composed by west
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
11. 불법유턴  (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
12.혈압마라톤 (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
13.추월(chwerk)  (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
14.닥쳐썅년아 free stlye feat. BUSYNESSBOY, 권기백 (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G, BUSYNESSBOY, 권기백
Composed by King South G
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
15. 김해는 왜 김나희 에게 쌀을 주었을까69feat. muTTa, 정산범 (prod.King South G)
Lyrics by King South G, muTTa, 정산범
Composed by King South G, 정산범
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
16.(outro)힙합해처리(prod.King South G with SHANE)
Composed by King South G
Guitar by SHANE
Arranged by King South G
Mixed by King South G
Mastered by King South G
Recorded by King South G
17.(Bonus)고려장 feat 오원춘바도즈 , 무천도사 (prod. hassan malik)
Lyrics by King South G, 오원춘바도즈 , 무천도사 
Composed by hassan malik
Arranged by hassan malik
Mixed by hassan malik
Mastered by hassan malik
Recorded by hassan malik
읽어주셔서 감사합니다 .
ARTWORK : 3shifts of hell
A&R : 최성호, King South G, YOUNG MIN
앨범 참여해주신 모두 감사의 인사를 드리고 
특히 뉴웨이브 회사 사람들에게 특별히 감사인사를 남깁니다 .
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