앨범 정보

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  • 앨범 평점 0/ 0명
  • 발매일 : 2021.10.08
  • 발매사 : The Orchard Enterprises
  • 기획사 : HPM Collective
After getting a taste of “Sweet”, we are eager to present the next musical chapter in the journey of Project Taste from BeepBeepChild with “Salty”, coming in hot this October 8th.
The dawn of human civilization is closely linked to the history of salt, and people from ancient China to Egypt, Greece, and Rome went to great lengths to acquire salt and considered that as an essential commodity. Being inspired by this rich history and asian culture for years, learning and working with the instruments hands on, BeepBeepChild is taking you on a cerebral musical journey with “Salty”, one that blends the traditional sounds of Vietnamese Đàn Tranh (zither) and Sáo Trúc (bamboo flute) recorded at Hot Panda Media’s Hot Pot Studio, combined with sampled taiko drums, shamisen as well as Himalayan chants and the Chinese Pipa with the modern, ground-shattering sound of Trap music. Blending between traditional musical instruments and electronic sounds is not an easy task, and the artist needs to fully understand and respect the instruments they are representing. The first half of the track features BeepBeepChild’s signature electronic sound. Although electrifying, rhythms are carefully played to give each drum beat an organic and humanly feel. The breakdown features the hauntingly beautiful flute melody that BeepBeepChild used to create a spellbinding cinematic atmosphere for the second climax of the song. With immaculate sound design accompanied by the build-up, generating an uncontrollable hype, eventually “Salty” ends with a focus around an Indian’s Thananam female chant that puts listeners in a hypnotic trance. “Salty” is simply an epic journey across an engrossing Asian cinematic
With Project Taste, through his previous releases: “Sweet”, ”SPICY”, and now “Salty”, BeepBeepChild is taking his listeners wandering deep into the landscapes of musical experimentation, exploring spaces where not many Vietnamese artists dare to venture. Having expanded his catalog of sounds with the likes of “Salty”, BeepBeepChild will definitely push his musical boundaries in future sonic adventures. After “Salty”, BeepBeepChild will deliver the final track of Project Taste in late 2021.
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