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Josh Makazo
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  • 앨범 평점 0/ 0명
  • 발매일 : 2023.02.03
  • 발매사 : The Orchard Enterprises
  • 기획사 : No Saints Allowed
“MIDNIGHT PSYCHO was written during a period of my life when I was over indulging in nightlife and seeking short term infatuations, to seemingly fill a void within myself” Makazo recounts.

“Unknowingly this newfound infatuation with the nightlife had blossomed into an obsession. I am the ‘Midnight Psycho,’ alongside the countless others who crave the thrill of the night; It made me feel when nothing else could.” Makazo continues.

“The spawn of senseless activities and regrettable decisions, MIDNIGHT PSYCHO encapsulates the introspection I had during that period of my life - one that I wasn’t the most proud of. I’ve moved past all of that since then and re-focused my priorities, but I still look back at that now and then, which resulted in me writing this song.” Makazo concludes.

‘MIDNIGHT PSYCHO’ is the first of a bevy of singles that are slated to be released over the course of 2023, culminating in his debut album, ‘GRADIENT’ in August.
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