앨범 정보

Losing My Religion
Braaten,Tom Bailey
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  • 앨범 평점 5/ 1명
  • 발매일 : 2024.01.12
  • 발매사 : Evenfall Music
  • 기획사 : Soave Records
Braaten and Tom Bailey take on the legendary Losing My Religion.

Another day, another sensational cover of a hit you didn’t think would work in the form of chill house. One of the few artists capable of transcending the nostalgia of classics with the modernity of dance music is Norwegian producer Braaten, whose catalog sees nearly 1 million listeners tuning in each month. For R.E.M.'s infamous “Losing My Religion”, Braaten invites British multi-instrumentalist and singer Tom Bailey to softly sing over his soulfully smooth production. Already knowing that you’ll be singing along, we’re sure you’ll appreciate this refreshing approach that’s both unique in its vocal and instrumental efforts!
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