앨범 정보

회자정리會者定離 Remixes
purple coin
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  • 앨범 평점 0/ 0명
  • 발매일 : 2024.02.23
  • 발매사 : 뮤직카로마
  • 기획사 : Tray Juice
purple coin
회자정리會者定離 Remixes


우리는 휩쓸려 이곳에 도착하였습니다
습기와 소리가 부유하고, 디딘 발이 가라앉는 곳입니다


Track 1. 회자정리會者定離 (Original Mix)
Composed by purple coin, CuRvY (커비)
Arranged by purple coin, CuRvY (커비)
Written the Lyrics by CuRvY (커비), purple coin
Sung by CuRvY (커비)
Played Instruments by purple coin
Mixed by purple coin
Mastered by purple coin

Track 2. 회자정리會者定離 (facethieves Remix)
Composed by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), Tango, tofu._.boi
Arranged by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), Tango, tofu._.boi
Written the Lyrics by CuRvY (커비), purple coin
Sung by CuRvY (커비)
Played Synthesizers by purple coin, Tango
Played Drums by tofu._.boi
Mixed by purple coin
Mastered by purple coin

Track 3. 회자정리會者定離 (Digitized Time Slip Remix)
Composed by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), Bluescript
Arranged by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), Bluescript
Written the Lyrics by CuRvY (커비), purple coin
Sung by CuRvY (커비)
Played Instruments by Bluescript
Mixed by Bluescript
Mastered by purple coin

Track 4. 회자정리會者定離 (oddhive Remix)
Composed by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), oddhive
Arranged by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), oddhive
Written the Lyrics by CuRvY (커비), purple coin
Sung by CuRvY (커비)
Played Instruments by oddhive
Mixed by purple coin
Mastered by purple coin

Track 5. 회자정리會者定離 (DIAL Remix)
Composed by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), DIAL
Arranged by purple coin, CuRvY (커비), DIAL
Written the Lyrics by CuRvY (커비), purple coin
Sung by CuRvY (커비)
Played Instruments by DIAL
Mixed by purple coin
Mastered by purple coin

Track 6. 회자정리會者定離 (Alter Edit)
Composed by purple coin, CuRvY (커비)
Arranged by purple coin, CuRvY (커비)
Written the Lyrics by CuRvY (커비), purple coin
Sung by CuRvY (커비)
Played Instruments by purple coin
Mixed by purple coin
Mastered by purple coin

Artwork by 김가영

Executive produced by Tray Juice, purple coin
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